08/02/2025 11:08 AM


Making Business Taste Better

How to Make Money With Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are groups of like-minded people that share common interests online.

People join Facebook groups because they want to get help or share whatever it is that concerns them with like-minded people who can assist.

If you are on Facebook, you may be in a group or two, a lot of people are in five Facebook groups or more.

Facebook with its 2.89 billion active users provides a wide expanse of opportunity for small businesses to grow their network, find their customers, and also support their businesses

As a small business owner, owning or being part of a Facebook group is something that is very important to your business.

This is because when building a business you may often need immediate help which you cannot get by reading up posts online, being part of a group where someone with experience can immediately provide help to you is very important.

Apart from getting real-time help, Facebook groups are also a marketing tool for your business, something you will learn as we move forward in this article

While it is great to be part of a Facebook group, it is also important that you own one. Why is this so?

Because Facebook groups can also be a source of income for you as a small business owner

So how do you make money with Facebook groups? This is what this article is all about

We will explore the different wants you can make money with your Facebook group

While you do not necessarily have to own a Facebook group to be able to make money, owning one makes your monetizing it way easier.

How to Make Money with Facebook Groups

To make money with Facebook groups you must first create one or be part of one.

While being part of a Facebook group seems like the easy way out, it does not always pay because other people’s Facebook groups are their property and they dictate the rules.

Disadvantages of making money from other peoples Facebook Group

  • Your posts may be declined or delayed
  • You can be banned or removed from the group for appearing too salesy
  • You may not be allowed to sell at all according to the groups rules
  • Your post can be removed if it is generating too much attention on the group

These are some of the disadvantages of trying to use another person’s Facebook group to make money.

The only way that you can actually make money from the group is when you are allowed by the owner, perhaps to advertise your product. Most times, there will be a revenue-sharing arrangement in place.

Having determined that this is not the best way to make money with a Facebook group, we can move on to how to create a Facebook group[.

How to Create a Facebook Group

As defined above Facebook groups are created around a shared interest, so for example, if you are a mom blogger, you may want to create a Facebook group that caters to mom bloggers like you.

For example, I have a Facebook group that caters to home business owners or people who want to start a home business

My group is known as Thehomebusinessowner Start up Group– When you join my group, you get ideas on how to start and grow your home business

So how do you go about it?

To create a Facebook group is simple, just go to your Facebook page, navigate to the top right corner with a group of dots.

Click on the dots to reveal the content and click on the create group icon

Follow the prompts to create your Facebook group.

Once you create your Facebook group, it is time to market and attract people to your Facebook group

Before you go on to learn how to grow your Facebook group, here is a list of Facebook groups you may want to join to drive traffic to your business

How to Grow your Facebook Group.

Some Facebook groups naturally grow on their own depending on the type of settings that you choose. There are actually 3 types of settings

Public Group– Anyone can join and content is free for anyone to view

Open Group- Anyone can join with your permission but the content is restricted to members only

Closed groups- Only those within the group can invite someone and see the content.

If you desire to see your Facebook group grow as much as you want it to grow then you have to be intentional in marketing your Facebook group to the audience you want to cultivate.

What are the ways you can grow your Facebook group?

1.Facebook Ads

A lot of people use Facebook Ads to market their group, this means that they usually create a lead generation Ad and offer a freebie to the audience they want to cultivate.

The audience can only get that freebie after they have joined the Facebook group

Some types of lead magnets that can be used to grow a Facebook group include free training, Q &A, Live demo, etc.

If they want the free training then they have to be part of the group.


If you have a blog, you can talk about the benefits of being part of your Facebook group on your blog and invite people to be part of your group.

If there are testimonies of how much help your group has been to them share them on your blog and let them know what they stand to benefit from by being part of your group.

3.Share valuable content

You can also attract your tribe to your Facebook group by the type of content you share in your Facebook group

People will naturally gravitate to where they can get help when they need it most, so sharing content that helps your audience will help you attract more people to your group.

A lot of people also value consistency when it comes to sharing valuable content in your group. They also love to see the owner of the group go live to answer questions and connect with the group members.

if you want to be consistent in delivering value for your audience, then you must set goals that help you achieve this

You can take advantage of my goal-setting planner to help you to achieve this. I created the goal-setting planner to help small business people like you set goals for other businesses and consistently follow through.

Facebook is one of the systems I added to this planner for driving traffic to your online business

To get my gaol setting planner, click below.

4.Invite people who like your posts

When you make a comment on your general Facebook page or other active Facebook groups you may get likes or comments, invite those that responded to your posts by sending them a link to your Facebook group.

Here is a list of a Facebook group that is super active, you may want to join them if you want to start learning how groups work

How to make money with Facebook groups


Some people use this method to grow their Facebook group and pages, but the only caveat is that what you are giving away must be what your type of audience values.

If you do a general giveaway without attaching it to what your likely audience may need, you may find that you will attract people that are just only interested in the giveaway, not necessarily your niche.

Giveaways are actually a faster method of growing your Facebook group but it must be with intentionality.

Now that I have shared with you the way that you can grow your Facebook, let us now get to how to make money with your Facebook group.

How to Monetize your Facebook Group

1.Promote your Business

The reason it is important to nurture your Facebook group after your niche is because you hope to monetize them in the future.

If you have been dropping valuable content for your group, they will be willing to buy from you when you start promoting a product that you have.

Such products could be courses, webinars, boot camps, or even physical products.

While it is good to promote your business on your Facebook group, it should not be a constant thing that you do, it is always better to first give value before asking.

2.Build your email list

Your Facebook group can be a place where you get leads that may turn into clients down the funnel.

You can offer freebies to get your Facebook group members to get into your email list where they become part of the people that you educate about your products before you sell to them.

3.Offer Adverts options

Some people do not like the stress of building Facebook groups, they rather prefer to get access to an already primed audience and then sell to them. Once they finish, they share revenue with the group owner.

You can make money with your Facebook group by giving access to others to sell their products and services to your group, you can then make a commission from the sales they made

4.Charge for memberships

You can also monetize a Facebook group by charging members monthly, this only works when your group is supporting a course or acts as a membership website where they get access to real and valuable content that is in continuous demand.

There are people who use the Facebook group as a support group to those building their businesses, members are charged because the course owner is always in the group to answer questions and help to solve problems

5.Post Affiliate offers

Affiliate marketing is another way you can monetize a Facebook group. Affiliate marketing is selling other people’s products for a commission.

You can post affiliate offers on your Facebook group and advise them to sign up if they need the product. Of course, the affiliate offers you are posting must be that which your audience is more likely to buy.

You can make quick money by posting offers that have to do with your group audience.

6.Sell your Facebook group

Sometimes you can really get tired of running your Facebook group, your Facebook is an asset that can be sold to make money. There is no direct rule by Facebook that authorizes you to sell, but people sell their Facebook groups.

You can make money with your Facebook groups by selling your group to someone who has the same interest as you and is willing to buy from you. A lot of people actually grow Facebook groups to sell it.

7. Drive traffic to your business

Facebook can also be used to drive traffic to your business, Facebook traffic converts to sales on your business website especially if you have taken the time to nurture and prime them for the offer that you have on your business.

When you create a post that is valuable and has an offer attached to it, you can use your Facebook group to drive traffic to that post hence making sales

If you want to make money with Facebook groups, it requires a lot of grooming and nurturing of your audience before it begins to yield fruit.

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How to Make Money With Facebook Groups

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How to Make Money With Facebook Groups


Want to learn how to make money with Facebook groups?, read and you will get a method for creating, growing, and monetizing a Facebook group. Understand the monetization techniques you can apply to make money from your Facebook groups



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